Construction Contractors

Construction Contractors

Residential Excavation Steps

15 October 2020
Construction & Contractors, Blog

The excavation process is completed during the construction of your home and is the initial step necessary, prior to preparing the foundation. If you are curious as to how an excavation is conducted or if you plan on being present on the day that 'ground is broken', review some tips that will prepare you for the start of your home construction project. The Outline And The Equipment Before the construction project begins, your contractor will prepare plans and may have an architect aid them in deciding where to set up the home, the design of each room, and any outdoor features that will be constructed.
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Options For Repairing A Clogged Or Compacted Septic System Drainfield

12 October 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

One reason it's so important to maintain your septic system properly is so the drainfield isn't damaged. When the drainfield is clogged up or compacted, wastewater can't filter through the soil, and repairs are necessary or sewage may accumulate on your lawn. Here are some common causes of drainfield problems and some options for septic tank drainfield repair. Why A Drainfield Develops Problems One reason your drainfield might have issues is that the soil is compacted.
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3 Reasons To Install A Slate Roof On Your Home

13 July 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you're having a house built or its time to replace the roof on your current home, you will need to decide what type of roofing material to use. There are many types of roofing materials available, so it can be difficult and overwhelming to make a decision about which option is best. If you're investing a lot of money in a new roof, you may want to seriously consider choosing a slate roof.
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3 Questions to Ask When Buying a Watertight Front Door for Your Houseboat

6 July 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Do you need a new watertight door for your houseboat? There are lots of options available on the market, so you should ask lots of questions when choosing one to live with for the next several years. Here are a few questions that shouldn't be overlooked: Are Customization Options Available? You don't want your houseboat's front door to look like all the other ones out there, so it's a good idea to find out whether you'll have an opportunity to take advantage of any customization options when buying your new watertight door.
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Top 3 Reasons To Build A Custom Home

23 June 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Purchasing a house is a very big investment, so it is important to make the right decision. While there may be a lot of existing homes for sale in your area, there are a lot of advantages to building your own custom home instead of opting for an already built home. If you're interested in a brand-new home, you should also seriously consider choosing to build a custom home instead of buying in a new construction community with cookie-cutter homes.
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About Me
More Than Concrete

Concrete has been an incredibly popular construction material for centuries, and maybe even millennia. The ancient Romans even used a form of concrete to make dams and aqueducts! When we learned this fact, we just had to share it. In fact, that happens a lot when we learn new construction facts and information. That's why we created this blog — so we have a convenient place to share! Since the construction and contracting industry is so vast, we come across new material all of the time. Some of it is about specific types of construction, and other facts are more generalized. But we share it all!
